Wednesday 27 May 2015

Time to Shine in Week 6

Mya has a great hobby.  She puts holes in each end of an egg, blows out the yolk and white and then paints the egg.  She threads cotton through the shell and ties a button on the base, then hangs her creations up.  Mya brought an egg for someone to blow today, so Piper had a go.

Dylan is a Lego fan,  He shared his collection of Lego Club magazines and catalogues.  He had also made a movie for us, which showed his awesome Pirates of the Caribbean Pirate Ship Lego model.

Levi shared his Gritflux Scooter with us.  He can do cool tricks on it and showed us a tail-whip flat.  We look forward to seeing his purple deck, which he is getting this weekend.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Time to Shine

Week 5's Time to Shine Stars entertained us with a variety of topics that are close to their hearts. Katy brought George, the guinea pig, to school.
George behaved very well and left Isleworth knowing his seven times tables and feeling very smug.

Oliver received a super-flash, early birthday present.  Just look at his awesome new bike!  He rode around the field, chased by some of our fast runners!

We discovered that Adam has hidden talents.  He is an artist.  Ask him for one of his drawings to colour in.  We copied some of the best for you.

Tyler brought a very special record of his life.  He and his mum have been compiling photos of special events throughout Tyler's life and making an awesome photo album.  Tyler told us he likes to look over the photos regularly, especially his baby photos.  We also enjoyed Tyler's demonstration of his exploding rocket.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Tuesday 19 May 2015

MUSIC WEEK - Classical and Opera

This is a great website to check out examples of classical music and read about the composers.


Tomorrow, we have an art teacher visiting us to teach us about sculpting with clay.  If you have an art shirt at home, please remember to bring it.  Newspaper, to protect our desks, would also be welcomed.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Time to Shine

Every Wednesday in Team Wairere, we look forward to hearing from our Time to Shine stars.  This week we heard from Rhys, Ben and Tejesh.
Rhys showed us a truly special, old teddy bear, that used to belong to his granddad as a boy, and that has been passed onto him.
Tejesh brought in a super-cool motorbike with long handlebars, that he had created from recycled items.  It was a great design.
Ben is an all-black in training.  He brought in all his special rugby photos from his years of playing for Burnside Rugby Club.
Our speakers did a great job of sharing their special items and our listeners asked probing questions.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Cross Country

Our Cross Country this Tuesday at 12:30 (Postponement Day Thursday)

Come down and enjoy the afternoon. 

Year 4s will be racing first followed by the 
Year 5s and
Year 6s

Children will wear house colours on the day.

We look forward to seeing you!!!