Home Learning

Welcome to Wairere's Home Learning Page!

1.     Spelling

Wairere will be using Spelling City online for our spelling programme. 

The children will access it with their own username and password.
All the different activities are available to the children to use to help them learn their new words throughout the week. 

The children will do their main spelling test on Friday mornings. The children will then create their new list straight away. Any words that are incorrect will be in the following week's list, until they get them correct. 

Click on the picture below to go to Spelling City online.


Here is a useful checklist for you when reading with your child.

All children are required to read each night.  Some children will have books and a reading log supplied.  More advanced children are expected to select an appropriate text themselves.  The minimum time for reading is 15 minutes.

3. Mathletics 

Click on the Picture above to visit the website.

We love using Mathletics as part of our Maths programme, for both in class and homework use. 

Children will be given set activities that are related to their learning at school. These will be updated on an ongoing basis. If the child achieves less than 90% the task will be reset for them to complete. Other tasks will be set to help them develop their mathematical knowledge.

One of the most popular aspects of Mathletics is Live Mathletics. This allows children to play against other children around the world and build up their Basic Facts knowledge.

By the end of year six, students should know all of the addition and subtraction facts to 20. They should also know all of the multiplication facts to 100 and be working on the corresponding division facts. 

3. Studyladder

Click on the image below to log into Studyladder. Children will have activities set for them that relate to their learning at school.



  1. I can't wait for time to shine!

  2. Same can't wait to hear other peoples stuff about them or what they did
